Most people's primary motivation for weight management is to improve
their appearance. Equally important, however, are the many other
benefits of proper nutrition and regular exercise
Sheila Kibe - Milroy, Pennsylvania
Age 40, weight lost 50 lbs
Roberta Saum, Gold Run, California
Vital Stats: Age 52, weight lost 60 lbs., inches lost: 8"
on waist, 10" on hips.
Weight management through reduction of excess body fat plays a vital role in maintaining good health and fighting disease. In fact, medical evidence shows that obesity poses a major threat to health and longevity. (The most common definition of obesity is more than 25 percent body fat for men and more than 32 percent for women.) An estimated one in three Americans has some excess body fat; an estimated 20 percent are obese. For more details visit to Excess body fat is linked to major physical threats like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. (Three out of four Americans die of either heart disease or cancer each year; according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination survey, approximately 80 percent of those deaths are associated with life-style factors, including inactivity.)
For example, if you're obese, it takes more energy for you to breathe because your heart has to work harder to pump blood to the lungs and to the excess fat throughout the body. This increased work load can cause your heart to become enlarged and can result in high blood pressure and life-threatening erratic heartbeats.
Obese people also tend to have high cholesterol levels, making them more prone to arteriosclerosis, a narrowing of the arteries by deposits of plaque. This becomes life-threatening when blood vessels become so narrow or blocked that vital organs like the brain, heart or kidneys are deprived of blood. Additionally, the narrowing of the blood vessels forces the heart to pump harder, and blood pressure rises. High blood pressure itself poses several health risks, including heart attack, kidney failure, and stroke. About 25 percent of all heart and blood vessel problems are associated with obesity.
Clinical studies have found a relationship between excess body fat and the incidence of cancer. By itself, body fat is thought to be a storage place for carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals) in both men and women. In women, excess body fat has been linked to a higher rate of breast and uterine cancer; in men, the threat comes from colon and prostate cancer.
There is also a delicate balance between blood sugar, body fat, and the hormone insulin. Excess blood sugar is stored in the liver and other vital organs; when the organs are "full," the excess blood sugar is converted to fat. As fat cells themselves become full, they tend to take in less blood sugar. In some obese people, the pancreas produces more and more insulin, which the body can't use, to regulate blood sugar levels, and the whole system becomes overwhelmed. This poor regulation of blood sugar and insulin results in diabetes, a disease with long-term consequences, including heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, amputation, and death. Excess body fat is also linked to gall bladder disease, gastro-intestinal disease, sexual dysfunction, osteoarthritis, and stroke.
Reducing Body Fat Reduces Disease Risk
The good news is that reducing body fat reduces the risk of disease. There is a simple, risk-free way to loose weight. It is, THE VENUS FACTOR WAY.
The Venus Factor works on the female metabolism. It’s time for a solution that truly works with your female metabolism instead of against it that ensures your success.
When your metabolism’s fat burning switch is turned on using The Venus Factor strategies that have been proven and perfected with thousands of women just like you, you can expect the exact opposite experience of other diets.
- No food cravings
- No plateaus
- An astonishingly faster, fat burning metabolism
- Permanent fat loss from female problem areas like your stomach, hips, butt and thighs
All while your energy soars, your weight rapidly decreases and you finally have the freedom to claim the life and body you absolutely deserve.
The Venus Factor is a super easy to follow 12 week nutrition plan that shows you exactly what to do step by step to create a new, fat burning metabolism.
You’ll discover things like:
Surprising foods that damage leptin sensitivity and make losing even a single pound next to impossible for women. Watch how fast the weight falls off in the first 2 weeks of the program when you simply eliminate these processed and soy foods.
- The 1 cheat food trick that spikes female metabolism and keeps your leptin sky-high. This is the only way for women to burn fat around the clock…..Even when you’re sound asleep. Once you learn this secret, you’ll never look at fat loss the same way again.
- The 1 Vital nutrient for weight loss almost all women are exceptionally deficient in. Raise this 1 nutrient starting today and immediately increase your fat burning and skyrocket your energy levels.
- The 1 odd herb recently proven to accelerate female fat loss by increasing leptin sensitivity a whopping 52%!
And now what women find most remarkable:
The groundbreaking Venus Factor Virtual Nutritionist that shows you exactly what to eat and when for the next 12 weeks to disintegrate fat from your problem areas. Your Virtual Nutritionist is designed to help make every 10 pounds you lose look like 20 because by burning fat from where you visually need to most.
As you can probably tell, The Venus Factor was developed to take female fat loss to another level. And Fast. In fact, hundreds of women report inches vanishing from their problem areas within weeks and they have the startling pictures you’re seeing to prove it.
Which is amazing considering they’re experiencing these rapid results while still enjoying their favorite foods like pizza, pasta, ice cream, and chocolate at the perfect times to accelerate female fat loss.
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